Pablo Cornejo, Ph.D.

Dr. Pablo K. Cornejo is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the California State University, Chico in the Civil Engineering Department. His research focuses on the life cycle environmental impacts of centralized and decentralized wastewater and resource recovery management strategies and sustainability frameworks for water treatment systems.

Other research interests include greenhouse gas models for water reuse and desalination facilities; the water-energy-food nexus; and water and sanitation issues in the developing world. Dr. Cornejo is passionate about teaching and interested in increasing the participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields through interactive, project-based sustainability education.

Dr. Cornejo received a B.S. in Civil Engineering with an Emphasis on Water Resources and Environment, from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He obtained his M.S and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the University of South Florida (USF), and conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Colorado at Boulder.